Parallel import is an issue within trademark law that arises when goods intended by the trademark owner (e.g., manufacturer) for one market are sold on another market.

According to regulations, introducing goods intended for other geographical areas into the European Economic Area (EEA) market without the trademark owner’s consent is illegal, and the trademark owner can oppose it. In legal cases related to parallel import, the burden of proof that the goods were lawfully placed on the market generally rests with the defendant – the accused party must prove that the sale was legal, which significantly aids in combating this practice. Regulations on parallel import provide an opportunity to effectively eliminate illegal sales channels for goods that, although not counterfeit, should not be offered on the EU market. Importantly, these regulations can also help combat instances of label removal or alteration from original products. Parallel import is a phenomenon often seen in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, electronic, and luxury goods industries, from which our clients come and whom we have effectively helped to deal with infringements of their rights.


We prepare comprehensive strategies to combat parallel import, including out-of-court measures, such as administrative and criminal proceedings.
We obtain court injunctions that allow for the immediate cessation of infringement until the end of the trial, including the seizure of goods from parallel import by bailiffs.
We conduct negotiations with infringers and third parties, including mediating in the removal of offers for goods from parallel import from marketplace platforms like Allegro.
We specialize in the comprehensive use of available measures to enable the quickest possible end to the infringement while aiming to minimize costs for the Client.


Over the past five years, we have concluded several parallel import disputes in favor of our Clients, representing, among others, a well-known luxury watch manufacturer, a leading audio equipment manufacturer, a producer of specialized cosmetic products for hair salons, and a global leader in the production of printing and copying devices and their cartridges.
We have obtained numerous injunctions for our Clients prohibiting the sale of goods from parallel import and allowing the seizure of such goods by bailiffs during the trial, as well as supervising such seizures; we have also managed to remove dozens of offers for parallel import goods from the Allegro platform.
We have successfully represented our Clients in cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union, obtaining precedent-setting judgments favorable to trademark owners across the European Union.
We have collaborated with organizations representing trademark owners to better defend our Clients' rights.
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